Please remember that street shoes are not to be worn in the dance floor under any circumstances. No food or drinks (except the water bottles) are permitted.
Dance Attire: Please dress appropriately for your class. Hair should be pulled back, dance attire and proper shoes should be worn (ballet shoes for ballet, tap shoes for tap, and gym shoes for Barre). As in every activity that we participate in, the appropriate dress code is implemented for a reason. Wearing proper dance wear to class allows for ease of movement, as well as, providing the teacher with the ability to detect and correct any physical problems students may have with their body alignment. We suggest shoes are labeled with the student’s name in order to minimize lost items.
Dance Etiquette and Behavior: Respect and a positive attitude are a MUST at all times. This is the best recipe for having fun and learning at the same time! We take care to create a positive atmosphere for all students at the studio. It is our responsibility to show appropriate and respectful behavior towards the students, and in turn, the students should be respectful and show appropriate behavior towards all teachers, staff, and other students while on the premises. If any problems occur, parents will be contacted and a solution will be discussed. Students are expected to behave in a disciplined, responsible, and courteous manner. For the prevention of injury, students need to arrive on time. Parents and friends may observe the first class of each month but are requested to be quiet and remain seated.
Attendance and Commitment: Attendance is necessary to reach our goals to promote constant learning. Our goal is to see each student improve his or her performance and technical skills throughout the year. Success requires both attendance and commitments to dance classes; therefore we ask that students attend their classes regularly. Please remember dancing is a team effort, no different than any other sport and we all rely on each other to be here. If you must be absent, please call the studio prior to your class to that we are aware that it is a planned absence and nothing is wrong. If you are absent from class you may do a make-up in an equivalent level class.
Tuition: Tuition is due the first class of each month (in advance). Pre-paid tuition before the month receives a $5 discount per month. A $10 late fee charged after the 20th. Make-up classes are offered as a courtesy. Missed classes are made up in addition to, not in place of regular classes. Notify Edwina of illness, absence, or vacation to arrange make-up classes. No refunds for missed classes. Please notify Edwina if you must adjust or discontinue your class times; unpaid spots are opened up to those on waiting lists. Discount for 2nd and 3rd child is 15% per child. Call (503) 472-4886 or email [email protected] for more information. Classes that do not meet the minimum requirement of enrollment (5 dancers) will be canceled and combined with other classes.
Performance Costume Payment: Students attending performance classes require a costume for their performances. To purchase costumes, payment needs to be made when the order is placed.
Photo Release: The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students to use in brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name.