charleshillestad_Coppellia Dress Rehearsal-64Jazz & Lyrical Styles

Jazz 7 yrs. and up This class is perfect for the dancer wanting to learn jazz and contemporary dance. Miss Rhiannon will teach fun basic steps, variations, across the floor, and dances commonly used in commercial and entertainment industries as well as dance team. This class is perfect for the dancer wanting to learn the roots of jazz dance while still keeping up with the latest trends. So get your Groove On! 1 hour

Lyrical / Modern Dance The Lyrical dance style has its primary basis in ballet combining the many technical elements of classical ballet with the freedom, fluidity, expressiveness and airier aspects of jazz, contemporary, and modern dance. Modern dance in opposition to ballet is the deliberate use of gravity. Whereas classical ballet dancers strive to be light and airy on their feet, modern dancers often use their body weight to enhance movement. Both Modern and Lyrical are expressive, and encourages dancers to use their emotions and moods to create movement. Miss Rhiannon will infuse both to develop your dance potential for any genre of dance technique. 1 hour

What to wear to Jazz / Lyrical Class

Pink convertible tights, solid colored leotard, and nude colored Lyrical shoes/dance Paws. Fitted solid colored t-shirt, black leggings, or black jazz pants are acceptable as warm-ups. Hair in a ponytail or bun. Male students wear white t-shirts, black dance pants or leggings, and Dance Paws.